RJ Richards State Licensed Tree Arborist






Tree Removal




Tree Removal Professionals

Removing trees requires specialized equipment and highly-trained personnel. If the tree removal work is not completed carefully, a falling tree could mean expensive damage or serious injury. If you need a tree removal service, turn to RJ Richard State Licensed Tree Arborist for the safe removal of even the most massive trees. Tree removal is available in Springfield, IL and surrounding areas.

Would you like a free tree removal estimate? Call 217-544-2832 today!

Do You Need to Have a Tree Removed?

Green and healthy trees can add natural beauty to any landscape, but in some situations, tree removal is the best course of action. If a tree is growing too close to your home and posing a threat of costly damage, turn to RJ Richard for help. It is also important to get rid of dead trees, as these can become living environments for pests. Pests living in rotting tree wood could disrupt your time outdoors or even move into your home as their numbers grow.

We also provide timely but careful removal of trees that are at risk of falling. Since a falling tree is extremely dangerous, we take extra precautions to ensure the tree is removed safely. On any tree removal job, safety is always a top concern.

If you need service to remove a damaged tree or if tree removal is required to clear the way for construction, call your local arborist at 217-544-2832.

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?

The cost to remove a tree can vary significantly depending on the location of the tree, its condition, the difficulty of getting access to the tree, its height and weight, and other factors. Call RJ Richard State Licensed Tree Arborist today at 217-544-2832 for an estimate.

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